Ensemble Safaa UK performance at the IKON gallery Birmingham

We are proud to be supporting the University of Birminghams Culture Forward programme, presenting ‘Qur’an In The City’, starting off with a performance from Ensamble Safaa UK performing at the Ikon Gallery. The performance was accompanied by a series of talks from academics and live art workshops, all surounding the topic of the Birmingham Quran Manuscripts. More to come in the coming months, exploring the Birmingham Qur’an in the city along with other partners.

King Edwards Edgbaston Boys Quran Study Day

The King Edwards foundation hosted a Quran Study day at the King Edwards Edgbaston Boys School, inviting students from all schools within the foundation. The day involved talks about the religion of Islam along with calligraphy workshops. The day commenced with a lecture, beginning with a talk from our founder, Mohammed Ali, about his journey in the arts and its relation to faith.

Soul City Arts is working on a major installation, led by Mohammed Ali, called the ‘Sleepers in the Cave’

Watch this space!